Mission Statement:
Criminal and unprofessional actions by law enforcement are a threat to public safety. Lax punishment and unaccountability damage public trust.
Oversight and accountability cannot solely rest in the hands of the police, nor ineffective bureaucracy, and complicit politicians and prosecutors. To foundationally transform policing, the voices and experiences of those impacted by criminal officer behavior MUST be those informing the laws and policies that govern legal and illegal police actions. For the safety of our communities and the officers who do strive to serve and protect, criminal cops must face consequences.
FTP United exists to improve the function of American policing. We achieve this goal by bridging the gaps between the rightly discontent critics of police with public officials and officers willing to do the transformative actions necessary to make the seemingly opposing elements work to make their laws stronger and communities safer together.

Report Officer Crimes and Misconduct

FTP Marks 10 Years of Successful Reform

Omaha Police Oversight Survey